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Creating Private Boards

Control who has access to your board or keep it only for yourself

Updated over 8 months ago

Create a truly exclusive space within your shared workspace with private boards. Tailor your project environment by making boards visible only to invited members, ensuring a confidential and collaborative space where tasks are shared only with those you choose. Enjoy the flexibility of personalized collaboration on your terms.


The following user-types can take advantage of this feature:

  • Teams users - board admins only.

The feature is available on both our mobile and web/desktop apps (functionality-based, see below).

Watch the video - Android

Watch the video - iOS

🛠️ How does it work?

  • By making the board private it will not be visible to others within the shared Workspace.

  • Private boards will not be a be part of the workspace directory (available for viewing by all workspace members)

  • Boards can be set to private for a single or multiple users

  • Private Boards can be created by workspace admins and members

  • Boards are created with separate permission-levels (outside the workspace permissions)

🤫 To create a new private board

💻 To create a new private board on Web/ Desktop

  1. From the left side under the workspace press + "Add new board" or the gray + next to the workspace name.

  2. Select "Create a board".

  3. Name your Board.

  4. Toggle "Make private" from the bottom left

  5. Choose a template or press “Create a blank board” on the top right.

📱To create a new private board on Mobile

  1. From the home menu press the gray + under to the workspace name.

  2. Select "Create a board".

  3. Name your Board.

  4. Toggle "Make private" from the bottom right.

  5. Press "Next".

  6. Name your first section.

💡Note: If the option "Make Private" is not clickable it means you are not the admin of that board and can't make it private.

🔒 To convert an existing (public) board to private

💻 To convert an existing (public) board to private on Web/ Desktop

  1. Open the 3 dots menu

  2. Click on "Make Private".

📱 To convert an existing (public) board to private on Mobile

  1. Tap on the 3 dots menu

  2. Select "Convert to private".

🔙 To convert a board from private back to public

💻 To convert a board from private back to public on Web/ Desktop

  1. Open the 3 dots menu.

  2. Click on "Make Public".

📱 To convert a board from private back to public on Mobile

  1. Tap on the 3 dots menu

  2. Select "Convert to private".

💡Note: If the option "Make Public" is not clickable it means you are not the admin of that board and can't make it public.

🆚 Private vs Public Overview




Other members can view the board title



Other members can join



Invite members to view Tasks



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