Recurring Reminders

Set yearly/monthly/weekly/daily habits or todos!

Updated over a week ago

Whether it's a daily medication or a monthly credit card payment - repetitive tasks are easier to handle with's recurring reminders. Setting up a recurring reminder is simple and efficient-- eliminating the need to set up multiple reminders for the same task.


  • Personal users (free).

  • Premium users.

  • Family users.

  • Teams users.

  • Supported on all platforms.

πŸ› οΈ How does it work?

  • Recurring reminders are set from the task menu only and can't be set from the quick add bar.

  • Make sure that the task at hand does not already have a one-time reminder setup. If it does, tap the Delete option in order to remove it and after that, you will be able to set a recurring reminder.

  • As soon as you complete a recurring item, the next occurrence will pop up at the next scheduled reminder time.

πŸ’‘ Note: Premium users can also set Advanced Recurring reminders: Choose the amount of days/weeks/months between each repetition, decide which days a weekly reminder recurs and plan the dates when the reminder starts and ends.

πŸ”„ To set a recurring reminder

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

  1. Select the task to open its Task Menu.

  2. If the task already has a one-time reminder setup tap the Delete option in order to remove it.

  3. Under 'Remind Me' choose 'Recurring/ Repeat'

  4. Choose the start time and frequency for your recurring task.

  5. If you're setting an Advanced Recurring Reminder, you may also choose the end time for the recurrence, the intervals of time to be reminded at and the length of reminder's duration.

πŸ’‘ Note: Make sure that the task at hand does not already have a one-time reminder setup. If it does, tap the Delete option in order to remove it and after that, you will be able to set a recurring reminder.

πŸ“† To view the next occurence

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

As soon as you complete a recurring item, the next occurrence will pop up at the next scheduled reminder time. Recurrences require completion in order to generate the next items. The next items will not show in the task view, they will generate one by one after the task has been completed. If you complete the task multiple times on the same day you will miss the next reminders and skip the amount of times you completed the task.

✍️ To edit a recurring reminder

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

  1. Select the task to open its Task Menu.

  2. Tap on your current reminder to open the date and time screen.

  3. Modify your reminder per your preference

  4. Click 'Set' to save.

πŸ” To switch your reminder type

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

  1. Select the task to open its Task Menu.

  2. Tap on your current reminder to open the date and time screen.

  3. Choose the β€˜trash’ icon or "Clear" to remove the current reminder.

  4. Tap the option you would like to switch to.

  5. Set your reminder time and date(s) or location (for Premium mobile users).

  6. Tap β€˜Set’ and β€˜Save’.

πŸ”• To disable a recurring reminder’s notification

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

  1. Select the task to open its Task Menu.

  2. Un-toggle the reminder to disable notifications.

❌ To remove a recurring reminder from a task

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Desktop

  1. Select the task to open its Task Menu.

  2. Tap on the reminder.

  3. Press "Clear\ Delete" or the β€˜trash’ icon.

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