+ Zapier

Connect thousands of services with your app!

Updated this week

Open the door to a variety of integrations with's Zapier integration. Connect thousands of services and apps such as Google Calendar, Gmail, Outlook, Evernote and many more. These apps will communicate with, turning your emails, events, messages and more into actionable tasks.


  • Premium users.

  • Family users.

  • Teams users - admins & members.

  • Supported on all platforms.

πŸ› οΈ How does it work?

The integration allows users the freedom to create custom Zaps with their favourite third party apps or easily activate's ready-made Zaps with popular services.

  • Automated workflows between apps are called Zaps.

  • Zaps have three components: a trigger, an action, and a search.

  • You can create a Zap straight from your account, under the Integrations screen.

  • You can disable the integrations at any given time via Zapier.

πŸ’‘ Note: Teams and Family users can create zaps for their personal lists (like Premium users) as well as for their space.

πŸ’΅ Does Zapier cost money?

You can create a free Zapier account. The free account includes 5 zaps, and the number of tasks per month also has a limit. For unlimited tasks and Zaps, you can get a Zapier subscription plan. To learn more see Zapier Pricing.

πŸ”—Available Zaps and integrations

Zapier + Premium:

Here you will find a list of apps you can pair with personal (premium) using Zapier.

Zapier + Teams:
​Here you find a list of apps you can pair with Teams using Zapier.

πŸ‘‘ Zapier + Premium

πŸ†— To Enable Zapier for Your Personal Lists

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Windows/ Mac

  1. Go to Settings -> Integrations -> +1500 Apps (via Zapier).

  2. Choose your preferred Zap or opt to create a Zap of your own.

  3. Connect your Zapier account with your Premium account and follow on-screen instructions to finalize the Zap.

  4. Make sure your Zap it turned 'On' in order to have it active in your account.

πŸ’‘ To learn all about creating Zaps, see this article.

πŸ’‘ For a list of available services for Zapier + Premium see here.

❌ To disable any of your active Zaps

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Windows/ Mac

  1. Open your Zapier dashboard here.

  2. Next to your preferred Zap, slide the toggle to turn the integration off.

  3. To completely remove the Zap, open the menu to its right by choosing the down arrow menu. Then, select the Trash option and confirm.

β†ͺ️ Available Personal Triggers



New Task

Triggers when a new task is created.

Task Completed

Triggers when a task is completed.

βœ… Available Personal Actions



Create List

Creates a new list.

Create Task

Creates a new Task.

Update Task

Updates an existing task.

Find Task

Finds a task by title, optionally create a task if none are found.

πŸ‘₯ Zapier + Teams

πŸ†— To Enable Zapier for Your Space

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Windows/ Mac

  1. Click on the your image\settings icon on the top left-> Integrations -> Zapier +5000 Apps

  2. Select Zapier for Workspace

  3. Create a Zap.

  4. Connect your Zapier account with your Teams account and follow on-screen instructions to finalize the Zap.

  5. Make sure your Zap it turned 'On' in order to have it active in your account.

πŸ’‘ To learn all about creating Zaps, see this article.

πŸ’‘ For a list of available services for Zapier + Teams see here.

πŸ’‘ Note: Team and Family users can create zaps for their personal lists (like Premium users) as well as for their space.

β†ͺ️ Available Board Triggers



Board Activity

Triggers when an activity update is reported on one of the boards in your workspace (note: this includes some updates board).

Task Activity

Triggers when an activity update is reported on one of the tasks in your workspace.

Workspace Task Archived

Triggers when a task is archived in one of your workspaces.

File Attachment Added

Triggers when a file attachment is uploaded to a task in one of your workspaces.

Workspace Task Due

Triggers when a task's due date has arrived in one of your workspaces.

Task Moved Between Sections

Triggers when a task is moved to a different section in one of your workspaces.

Workspace Task Assigned

Triggers when a task is assigned to a member in one of your workspaces.

Workspace Task Assignee Removed

Triggers when a task is unassigned from a member in one of your workspaces.

Tag Added to Workspace Task

Triggers when a tag is added to a task in one of your workspaces.

Comment You Were Mentioned In

Triggers when you are mentioned in a comment on a task in Workspace.

New Board

Triggers when a new board is created in one of your workspaces.

New Workspace Task

Triggers when a new task is created in one of your workspaces.

User Notification

Triggers when a notification is sent to you on

βœ… Available Board Actions



Add Tags to Task

Add tags to an existing task.

Archive Task

Archive a workspace task.

Assign Task

Assign an existing task to one of the members of the board.

Create a Board From a Template

Adds a board in your Workspace using a predefined template.

Create Workspace Task

Adds a task to a board in your Workspace

Comment on a Task

Write a comment on a task

Move Task

Move a workspace task to a different section.

Remove tags from Task

Removes tags from a task.

Un-Assign Task

Remove assignees from a task.

❌ To disable any of your active Zaps

πŸ“±πŸ’» Android/ iOS/ Web/ Windows/ Mac

  1. Open your Zapier dashboard here.

  2. Next to your preferred Zap, slide the toggle to turn the integration off.

  3. To completely remove the Zap, open the menu to its right by choosing the down arrow menu. Then, select the Trash option and confirm.

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