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Board Updates & Notifications

Easily review all of your recent board notifications

Updated over a week ago

Team members can communicate and mention other members on the task activity. Once a member has been mentioned on a task activity a blue indicator will mark the board's update. These notifications will stay on the board and tasks until the task activity has been opened. Team Admins and Members can filter the board to see all unread messages and mentions, as well as set up custom email-notifications for specific update-types.


The following user-types can take advantage of this feature:

  • Family users - admins and members.

  • Teams users - admins and members.

The feature is available on both our mobile and web/desktop apps (functionality-based, see below).

πŸ› οΈ How does it work?

  • Every update related to your account will generate a blue notification icon.

  • When a new update is available, a red dot will show above the Notifications Center icon.

  • Updates can be filtered by unread messages and mentions.

  • Admins and members can choose to create custom email-notifications to alert them when certain board updates are made.

  • The email-notifications can be set as daily and weekly digests or send an instant email and push notification as soon as they are made.

  • The email-notifications can be set by admins and members individually - for any of their boards.

πŸ“‹ To access an update from a Board

πŸ’» Web/ Windows/ Mac

On the top right menu press the square with red dot icon to open the notification center.

You will also see a blue notification update next to the board title on the left menu and the task itself, to see the notification open the task.

πŸ“± Android/ iOS

On the top left press the square with red dot icon to open the notification center.

πŸ“ˆ To access Board Activity

πŸ’» Web/ Windows/ Mac

On the top right menu press the 3 dot menu to see board activity.

πŸ”” To access updates from the Notifications Center

The tasks that are in blue are active tasks that you open, comment and add to My Day. The tasks in black are archived tasks and cannot be modified.

πŸ’» Web/ Windows/ Mac

On the top right menu press the square with red dot icon to open the notification center.

πŸ“± Android/ iOS

On the top left press the square with red dot icon to open the notification center.

Tap on the task, board or mention to open and update it.

πŸ’¬ To filter a board by unread mentions

The tasks that are in blue are active tasks that you open, comment and add to My Day. The tasks in black are archived tasks and cannot be modified.

πŸ’» Web/ Windows/ Mac

On the top next to the board name press the icon to only see tasks with unread mentions.

πŸ•’ To set up custom email-notifications for your boards

πŸ’» Web/ Windows/ Mac

  1. In a board view open the 3 dots menu next to the board title.

  2. Open "Board Notifications".

  3. Select the triggers for the notification you would like to get.

  4. Select the way you would like to get the notifications.

πŸ’‘ Note: Each board can have different notification preferences. The preferences you select are private and applied only to your account. Other board members can select their own preferences.

Triggers for notifications:



When a task moves to a section.

If you select a section you will get a notification if a task was moved there.

When a task gets a tag.

If you select a tag you will get a notification if that tag was added to a task.

When a task is archived.

Toggle 'On' to get a notification when a task is archived in that board.

When a new task is created.

Toggle 'On' to get a notification when a task is created in that board.

Notification preferences:



Instant push & email

After every trigger, you will get a push notification and an email.

Daily email

Once a day at 09:00 you will get a summary in your email with all of the activities you subscribed to.

Weekly email

On the first day of the workweek, you will get a summary in your email with all of the activities you subscribed to.

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