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Troubleshooting: Sharing & Collaboration
Troubleshooting: Sharing & Collaboration
Updated over a week ago

Unlock the power of teamwork with our sharing and collaboration features. This troubleshooting guide is your go-to resource for resolving any issues related to sharing board-tasks, assigning responsibilities, mentioning team members for instant notifications, and tracking your team's progress. Dive into the world of seamless collaboration and ensure that your projects run smoothly with these helpful tips and solutions.

πŸ‘₯ Sharing and Collaboration

Not sure how collaboration works? How to add members to your shared boards? Here are some frequently asked questions which can help you get things started!

πŸ€” Why can't I share my lists/tasks with other users?

Sharing is available for Family and Teams members only πŸ€“ Free and Premium members do not have access to collaboration features and may opt to upgrade their plan if they wish to have access to these added features.

When collaborating, only boards and board-tasks can be shared with other members as personal-lists and personal-tasks are private and cannot be shared. If you have a personal list you wish to share with other members, you can easily convert it to a board if you have either the Family or Teams subscription plan active in your account.

🀝 Do I need a workspace/family space in order to share tasks?

In order to share items you must have a collaborative space, either a Workspace which is part of our Teams plan or a Family space which is part of our Family plan. Once a collaborative space is created, you can start sharing boards and board-tasks with other members πŸ€“

Be advised, Free and Premium members do not have access to a collaborative space and may opt to upgrade their plan if they wish to have access to these added collaboration-features.

πŸ“€ How do I share my space/board/board-tasks with other users?

Once a collaborative space is created as part of your Teams plan or Family plan, you can start adding members to your space to start collaborating!

If you'd like to add members straight to specific boards you can find instructions here. Once your board is shared, you can start assigning tasks to other members so that they can take ownership of those items.

βœ‰οΈ Is it necessary to invite other members to utilize my workspace?

No, it is not mandatory to include other individuals in your workspace. If you prefer to utilize the workspace features for managing work tasks and personal projects as a sole user, you are welcome to do so.

πŸ”’ Can others see my personal lists and boards?

Other members in your shared Family space or Workspace cannot see your personal lists and private-boards.

Personal lists are specifically designed for personal use and will not be available for sharing. Private boards are not visible to others in the workspace unless you specifically invite a member to that board and only they can see it. All other boards in a shared space will be visible to other members and they will be able to access them (even if not invited) through the Boards Directory.

πŸ‘€ Are all items of a shared board/task visible to all members?

Yes, all items in a shared board can be viewed by all space members along with task details, attachments, notes etc. If you wish to keep a certain board private for security purposes, you can find instructions here.

πŸ“… Are due dates shared with other members?

Indeed, due dates and reminders are shared with all members of a board πŸ€“ Furthermore, if a user assigned to a task with a reminder in a shared board, they will be notified of it, even if they did not create the reminder themselves. This is ideal for managers who would like to alert their team of specific due dates.

πŸ” Do I have to share my space/boards in order for other users to view/access them?

If you want to cooperate with other members and extend all collaboration capabilities to their accounts, you will need to add them to your space/boards.

However, if you're looking to present a read-only view of your board (for example if you're a freelancer who wishes to update their clients of a specific project), you can opt for sharing specific board with external users as explained here.

Can I restrict certain users from editing shared boards/tasks?

Yes. You can restrict the access-level of certain members in you shared space/boards. To learn all about user-roles please see here.

πŸ’¬ Assignment, Mentioning & Chat

Get the most out of your shared boards and board-tasks with Assignment, Mentioning & Chat! Check out these questions for a quick overview:

πŸ”Š If I write in the chat will it notify others?

If you mention another member in a chat he will get a notification in the notification center. You can also write @everyone and all of the board member will get a notification as well. To learn more see the Task Activity page.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» If I assign a task to a member will they be able to remove themselves?

Members can edit the task in full, this means they can remove and add assignees. You can change the permission to 'viewer' so they can't edit the task. To learn more see the user-roles page.

βœ… Can I assign checklist items (subtasks)?

Yes, you can assign a member to a checklist item.

πŸ’¬ Can I mention multiple members to a board-task/checklist item?

Yes, you can mention multiple members in the chat and notify them. To do this, follow these steps: Use the @ option on the keyboard and type in the member's name -> Select the members you want to mention.

πŸ—£οΈ How can I chat on task with other members?

Members of a shared space can easily chat in realtime with other members through our chat feature. All assigned/tagged members will receive a notification once a user enter details in the chat.

πŸ“£ Updates and Notifications

Not getting email updates? Want to set custom notifications? We got you covered with these answers to your most burning questions:

πŸ“ Where can I find board notifications and activity?

If you are mentioned in a chat you will get a notification in the notification center and in the Task Activity. The board will show a comment icon in the left-side menu and on the task as well, for all board members to view.

βœ‰οΈ Will I get email notifications for shared items?

Yes, you will get notifications to your email if someone has added you to a space, to a board, assigned you to a board-task, mentioned you in a task and more. You can also see the notifications in the notification center. You can also customize the notifications for each board. To learn more see the Board updates and notifications page.

βš™οΈ Can I set custom notifications?

Yes, Teams Admins and Members can set custom notifications for boards. To learn more see the Board updates and notifications page.

Be advised - this feature is not included in our Family plan.

🧐 Who will be notified and in what scenario?

Workspace and Family users will be notified via email and through the Notifications Center if they were added to a space, added to a board, assigned to a task and mentioned in a task.

Other notifications (such as task-activity and reminders) will be sent through the notifications-center only.

You can also choose to set custom notifications per specific board-activities. To learn more see the Board updates and notifications page.

❌ Can I disable the notifications?

You can disable desktop notifications for reminders, and you can disable getting reminders for tasks that are assigned to you and have a reminder under the workspace reminders menu. Email notifications can be customized. To learn more see the Board updates and notifications page.

↩️ Can I reply from the email notification?

You have the option to reply in the notification itself. To learn more see the the Task Activity page.

πŸ‘€ Will all participants see my replies?

Yes all board members will be able see replied in shared boards. For private boards, only the members who have been granted access will be able to see replies.

πŸ”Ž Can I filter by notifications or activity?

Yes, in the notifications center you can filer by β€œImportant” or β€œAll”. In the boards, you can filter by 'Messages' (unread/mentions) as detailed here.

πŸ“£ What is the activity section?

If you are interested in seeing the changes made in a specific task and add to its chat, you can simply open the Task Activity. We also have the Board Activity section to view all updated done in a specific board.

πŸšͺ Who has access to the activity sections?

All board members have access to board activity and Task Activity.

πŸ“€ Is there a record of all tasks activities?

Yes, you can view your activities from the task activity and board activity.

πŸ’² Billing and Subscription Plans

If you're not sure what plan you should opt for in order to share items or want to know the difference between our upgraded plans, look no further than these answers:

πŸ’Έ Do I have to pay to share items?

Sharing and collaboration is part of our upgraded (paid) plans only. It is available for Family and Teams members only πŸ€“

Free and Premium members do not have access to collaboration features and may opt to upgrade their plan if they wish to have access to these added features.

πŸ’³ Which plan should I choose to start sharing items?

Sharing and collaboration is available under our Family subscription-plan and Teams subscription-plan πŸ€“

The Teams plan is our all-encompassing project-managing and collaboration experience. The Family plan is designed for sharing items with up to 4 members within up to 4 shareable boards. It includes Smart Grocery Boards and is ideal for families looking to stay on top of joint tasks an events.

For an in depth comparison of our plans see here, along with advice on the best plan for you.

To learn all about our pricing plans, please see here.

🧾 How much does it cost?

Each one of our subscription-plans offer a different price-structure, as well as monthly/yearly rates. To learn all about our pricing plans, please see here.

πŸ‘₯ Do I have to pay for every member?

This depends on your subscription plan. If you choose the Family plan, it includes up to 4 members in both our monthly and yearly rates.

If you're looking to add more members and find the Teams (workspace) plan more suitable to your needs, then each member added to your space will become part of your overall billing and you will be charged accordingly.

For an in depth comparison of our plans see here, along with advice on the best plan for you.

To learn all about our pricing plans, please see here.

πŸ‘€ Do members pay for themselves?

No, the admin of the space in your Family plan or Teams (workspace) plan is the one charged for all members and the only one with access to the space-management screen from where billing details can be added.

While there is an option to add more admins to the plan, only one payment method can be defined for a single plan.

πŸ›‘οΈ Can I change the space admin?

You sure can! If you no longer wish to manage the space you created, you may simply switch the admin to another user and remove yourself from it per the details here.

Be sure to also update the payment method the space is using if you no longer wish to have it use the one you've originally set up.

πŸ“ How can I update my billing details for my shared space?

To learn how to update the payment details of your Family plan, please see here.

To learn how to update the payment details of your Teams plan, please see here.

πŸ•΅οΈ Can I trial Family/ Teams before subscribing?

You sure can! You can trial our Workspace plan by clicking here.

The Family plan currently offers trials on mobile only and you can find this option in the upgrade screen πŸ€“

Be advised, shared spaces can only be trialed once after which a charge will be applied when subscribing to these plans. If you need assistance with a trial period or wish to have another trial, please contact our Support Team through the chat-widget on this page!

πŸ†“ Can I share items for free?

Sharing and collaboration is part of our upgraded (paid) plans only. It is available for Family and Teams members only πŸ€“

That said, Teams members can share public board with external viewers (in read-only mode). This type of sharing does not involve any additional costs and if you do not require any collaboration options you simply create a Workspace for a single user and share your boards publicly as needed per the instructions here.

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